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Going overseas? Take up self-defense lessons with just a selfie stick!

By Cookie Monster - on 8 Dec 2015, 11:00am

Your selfie stick can be used a self-defence weapon during an emergency

 Image source: Ruptly TV (YouTube)

You may look at the selfie stick in a different light after reading this article.

According to a martial arts centre in Russia, the selfie stick can be used as a self-defence weapon by tourists if they are going to get mugged or attacked. The self-defence techniques, which can be learnt in just five lessons, have an official name, the monopod fight or mpd-fight. These techniques are reportedly effective against boxers, wrestlers, mixed martial arts practitioners and other types of fighters.

As amazing as it may sound, we don't know if the mpd-fight is able to ward off muggers who target their victims in groups. If you're interested to check out the different techniques of mpd-fight, do check out the video below:

Source: Ruptly TV via BBC 

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