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New Twist to Win 7 RAM Issue Revealed

By Aloysius Low - on 22 Feb 2010, 10:42am

New Twist to Win 7 RAM Issue Revealed

If you've been following our news on the Windows 7 memory issue (which isn't an issue at all), there's yet another twist to the whole sad tale. Turns out the person who issued the report, Craig Barth, CTO of Devil Mountain Software, well, he doesn't exist. Craig's actually a person called Randall C. Kennedy, who blogged for InfoWorld. Due to this incident however, InfoWorld has parted ways with him. On Friday, Feb. 19, we discovered that one of our contributors, Randall C. Kennedy, had been misrepresenting himself to other media organizations as Craig Barth, CTO of Devil Mountain Software (aka, in interviews for a number of stories regarding Windows and other Microsoft software topics. Devil Mountain Software is a business Kennedy established that specializes in the analysis of Windows performance data. There is no Craig Barth, and Kennedy has stated that this fabrication was a misguided effort to separate himself (or more accurately, his InfoWorld blogger persona) from his Devil Mountain Software business.

Full article here.

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